Steamboat Willie


Hi people of the internet – welcome to my very first blog post on my new website!

I’ve been meaning to start a blog where I can share my passion for animation for a while – it’s a long term interest, and I feel like I’ve seen so much interesting + thought-provoking film + TV recently that it’s high time I got my thoughts down on screen.

Here, you’ll find discussion + reviews of past,  present + future works in animation across all media (including the internet, YouTube is full of wonder for animation fans!).

To toast my new blogging venture (and to congratulate/comiserate my results from the saxophone exam I took today), I popped by the Disney Store and treated myself to this great Steamboat Willie mug (complete with tea) – the very first animation with synchronised sound from Walt Disney.

Steamboat Willie mug from the Disney Store


So cheers!  Here’s to animation – let’s get celebrating.