new animation

The Reddit Rummage – Vol. 1

So I might change the name of this strand – but for now, this will do.

Reddit is a rarity in the internet these days. One of the only places where forums are still a thing (rather than sharing your thoughts via visual means  like YouTube and livestreaming), you can find yourself in some deep, occassionally dark and often wonderful places. As a animation fan who is constantly looking for new work, I love delving into the Animation Reddit to see what I can find. It’s a place where you can get advice on software, ask questions about a career in animation, and if you’re a new animator you can get feedback on your work, if you’re happy to have extremely honest feedback.

Twice a month, I’ll be having a rummage through the Animation Reddit to highlight at least one animation which has caught my eye.

Dinosaur Pick-Up Lines by Jason Horton

The bright look and feel really appeals to me: the patterns and text used to support the voiceover works well and helps the viewer focus on those key lines. It’s fun and short. Not too keen on his other YouTube vids, but we’re not here to talk about that.

Treasure: A Stop Motion Animation by Brandon Buikema

This stop-motion animation is so beautifully executed – it tells a story with a few simple but meaningful objects which look like they’re floating out of the treasure chest. Very moving.