I ❤️️ FilmCow: my top 5 videos

I was browsing my YouTube subscriptions very early one morning before work, and saw that FilmCow were doing a livestream of all of the existing Ghost House shorts on a loop. I watched it. I loved it. It reminded me how random, occassionally political, always irreverant and flipping hilarious Film Cow content is: from the downright weird (The Bearnicorn) to the very uncomfortable (Chris Brown: American Superhero), here’s my top 5 videos in no particular order – go watch (only if you’re an adult though, lots of interesting language throughout):

1.  Charlie the Unicorn

It’s a classic (now with over 29 million views) and the first video I watched from FilmCow. I went from ‘WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH?’ to ‘this is actual genius’ in a few views:


All adverts should be made like this, I’d buy everything. Not strictly animation, but it’s puppets so close enough.

3. Fannie and Earl

I’m a bored housewife in the 1600s or something: screw the Xbox, I’m gonna summon me some ghosts

4. Ghost House(s)


5. Charlie Teh Unicorn Episode 2

Let’s pastische some popular culture via the lovable characters we saw in Charlie the Unicorn.

Also, as a sidenote, if you love FilmCow as much as I do, send them a few pounds/dollars/euros/whatever via Patreon – animations don’t just grow on trees!

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